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More than a decade-long story ends temporarily -손희경 선생님


More than a decade-long story ends temporarily






I have earned a BA degree in Media and Communications at Goldsmiths College -University of London. After my four-year stint as a cultural affairs correspondent at Arirang TV, South Korea’s English channel, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and move on to graduate studies. And I did! I have obtained a Master’s degree in Sociology at OxfordStudying sociology and media and communications at a graduate and undergraduate level has broadened my horizons, and enabled me to take a closer look at how the media impacts societies. I believe one of my greatest strengths is that I have a balanced knowledge in social and media theory as well as its application.




My life is like a running clock as it keeps going round and round without stopping. My motto is to never stop at nothing! I am hard-working and am more than willing to go beyond the call of duty to ensure the quality of my work. I am also highly motivated, determined, and have the ability to research and write using my creativity and imagination.


While studying in the United Kingdom, I had numerous opportunities to experience European countries and their culture. Travelling from FranceItalyGermany toAustria made me take a greater interest in one’s language and culture. Oh, and that’s probably why I am an excellent linguist! I speak four languages – English, Korean, German and French.


United Kingdom


Tick tok, tick tok…

The clock is still ticking…

Where next?






10 이상의  스토리일시적으로 마감되다


새로운 환경새로운 문화 그리고 새로운 학교… 영국에서 가장 오래된 로만 타운인 Essex 위치한 새로운 학교에서 반을 찾기 위에 복도를 걸어가는 동안  심장이 드럼처럼 쿵쿵거리는 소리가 들렸고기대감으로 배가 나비처럼 펄럭였습니다Colchester였습니다!바로 이곳은 제가 자라온  입니다저는 얼굴이 불그스름하고 파란 눈에 금발인 여학생을 만난 그날, 1990 초반인 그때의 좋은 시절을 아직도 회상합니다놀라운 것은 텔레비전에서만 들었던  여학생의 영국 액센트입니다저의 학교 생활의 첫날을  순간도 잊지 않고 있습니다인구 100,000 정도가 살고 있는 타운의 12 중순 추운 하루였습니다.Colchester에서 11 간의 영국생활이 시작됐습니다.


영국에서 제가 얻을  있었던  가지의 가장 중요한 요소는 자기 단련과 강한 의욕이 있다는 것입니다 안목으로 보면이러한 요인들은 제가 옥스포드 대학원에 입학하는데중요한 역할을   같습니다저는 Colchester 있는 여자학교인 St. Mary’s School 11살부터 15살까지 다녔으며  학교의 환경이 저에게 창의성과 상상력을 발휘할  있게 했을  아니라정규수업 이외의 활동들인 스포츠나 음악을 통해 저는 다재 다능한 학생으로 거듭났습니다영국 교육 시스템의 매력은 GCSE 공부한 학생들은 A-Level에서 2 동안 공부할 3-4과목을 선택할  있는 기회가 주어집니다관심 있는 과목들을집중해서 공부하는 것은 학생들에게 강한 의욕을   있으며 시험성적이  나올  있도록 도움을  것입니다저는 튜터 시스템이 유익하다고 생각합니다 시스템의 목적은 학생들이 튜터와 11 대화를 통해 학업의 발전과 미래의 포부에 대해 얘기할  있는 좋은 기회라고 생각합니다.


저는 런던대학교 골드스미스 대학에서 미디어 & 커뮤니케이션을 전공했습니다. 4년간 문화부 기자로 아리랑 TV에서 일한 저는 편안한 삶에서 나와 대학원을 가고 싶었습니다.그래서 해냈습니다저는 옥스포드 대학교에서 사회학 석사 학위를 취득했습니다. 학부에서는 미디어 커뮤니케이션을 그리고 대학원에서는 사회학 공부를 하면서 시야를 넓힐 수 있었으며 미디어가 사회에 끼치는 영향력에 대해 더 가까이 접근할 수 있었습니다저의 강점은 사회와 미디어 이론 그리고 응용에 대해 균형잡인 지식을 가지고 있는 것 입니다.


13 The Jays, Highwoods에서 저는 Chopin Nocturne No. 2 in E flat major의 소리가 Colchester 전역에 울려 퍼졌습니다저는 5살 때부터 피아노를 치기 시작했습니다.저는 어렸을 때부터콘서트 피아니스트가 되는 것이 꿈이었습니다. Junior Academy – Royal Academy of Music에서 4 동안 공부를 하면서 음악인의 직업을 가질  있도록준비해 갔습니다. 저는 10  동안 제가 피아노에 타고난 재능이 있다고 생각했습니다. 저에게는피아노 없는 삶이 무의미했습니다. 하지만저는 하나님께서 제게 방송인이라는 다른 재능을 주실지는 꿈에도 몰랐습니다.  경력이 u-turn 하여 음악이 아닌  다른 전문직이 저를 기다리고 있을지 꿈에도 몰랐습니다. 이제

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